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Should I spend my tax refund on a tattoo?

Jaime Garcia

Updated: Mar 3, 2020

Yes! Yes! Yes! Its tax season and refunds provide you with just the right amount of extra income to finally reward yourself with a tattoo or to officially finish a tattoo piece you started. Don’t feel guilty about putting your tax refund towards some new ink. You’ve work hard and you deserve to be rewarded. Rewarding yourself can mean spending your extra cash on a vacation or a new flat screen but if you’ve been wanting a new tattoo for some time, then why not? Then again stuff like new furniture, new handbag, maybe even clothes or shoes, sounds rewarding too. So what’s the difference between these things and a tattoo? Tattoos identify with who you are, what you represent, or the journey you’ve taken, maybe the path you are on and where you are headed. There are endless meanings a tattoo can embody, a message you want to share with the world or a subtle private reminder to yourself of whatever your heart desires. An even greater quality of a tattoo is that it’s yours indefinitely, if you choose. Many people keep it that way, never contemplating tattoo removal, unless... you went cheap and got bad work done. Any talented artist will provide a fair quote based on their ability to deliver exceptional work from experience. So if you ever get a quote and think “damn that’s a lot”, then you may not be serious about the investment, after all it is an investment. Having a size-able tax return gives you more options between picking from an amazing artist to scheduling with an elite tattooer. Don’t get me wrong I don’t exactly fall within the “elite category” of tattoo artists, but I’m confident in my ability to provide you with amazing artwork. Hell, I too would love to have one of the famed artist I follow tattoo me, these artist have talent and skills that are hard not to envy. But, booking with an elite artist may come with a hefty price tag, yet if that’s what your looking for then invest in the experience with your tax return. If instead you simply want to ensure you receive an exceptional tattoo and artwork there are many local artist like MYSELF to choose from. Just check out the list of artist I follow. The tattoo industry on the mainstream and local level can be highly competitive, but we are all truly friendly competitors. I’ve also had the privilege of working with some super talented local artists over the years and we feed off each others energy, continuing to excel as artist and grow our tattoo platforms. Chuy Espinoza @chuyespinozatattoos, Kenny Waizumi @tattoosbykenny, Checho @thestandardtattooparlor, and Pancho Perez @panchtattoo these are just some of the top notch tattoo artist that I’m grateful to have worked with in the past and to this day fuel me creatively. Bottom line, a tax refund can broaden your options, and options mean you have leverage around your choices, in the tattoo artist you pick along with the important choice of deciding what you want! Everyone can agree with me here, the bigger the budget you have, the possibilities become endless. Tax refunds can easily provide the ample amount of cash to fund whatever you may be looking to get or to start a tattoo project, a huge back piece, an arm or leg sleeve. The tattoo you choose will carry a longevity that far surpasses that big screen tv, handbag, shoes or clothes. It’s yours to keep and for some will take with you to the grave. Keeping that in mind there’s no question you can confidently regard your tattoo as a prized possession and yours only. Final thoughts, in the end, feel no guilt, no shame for your decision to drop all or a good portion of your tax refund on a tattoo. This quote really sums it all up for me “Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do”- Mark Twain! So don’t think twice, there’s no need to contemplate and have no regrets!

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